Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Check this out--my bro-n-law!


He has done several albums over the years and this is his next release. All the details on the site!
Check it out!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

I am SO glad this is purely fictional...

It is fictional....right?

Right from the Heart -rightfromtheheart.org

Here is one daily note I just received from an online publication by our Pastor. It always gets me how some people like to pick and choose at their convenience as to what is immoral....when it is really quite simple. As written below...
Tuesday, Oct. 28, 2008
The Importance of Human Life
"Know that the LORD Himself is God; it is He who has made us, and not we ourselves..." - Psalm 100:3a
The American Constitution - normally a bastion for the dignity of mankind and protector of liberty - originally declared that some members of our society only counted as three-fifth human. What evil that this label generated, as America justified slavery for another eighty years! Think about what happened in World War II. The fascist philosophy of the Nazis said that Jewish people were less than fully human. So, there was a justification for the slaughter and the murder of six million innocent Jews? Throughout history, declaring any human life as less than fully human has always led to grotesque evil. And it continues today. Beginning in the late 1960's, we began referring to an unborn child as merely a "fetus." This clinical word dehumanized the child, turning it from a person into a blob of tissue, thus making it easier to destroy. And since the horrific Supreme Court decision in 1973, estimates show that over 40-50 million unborn children have been murdered. Add that to the estimated fifty-four million killed in the rest of the world every single year. Compare those numbers to the Holocaust and you will realize that when it comes to the scope of eternal history, abortion is one of the most grotesque evils of all time. These are the consequences whenever man declares a human life as being less than a human. After all, we were all made by the same Creator. And God doesn't make mistakes. So, let's respect the sanctity of human life - from conception through old age.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Things that make you say hummmmm......

Here's a very simplified illustration of what is about to happen under an "Obama-Nation". Although its been explained SEVERAL times .....the majority still continues to have a hard time grasping this....maybe they are getting lost in the "big words".....so here it is.....the dumbed down version taken from the internet....

A fictional story to make you think:

Today on my way to lunch I passed a homeless guy outside the restaurant holding a sign that read "Vote Obama, I need the money." I laughed.

Once inside the restaurant, I observed that my young waitress had on an "Obama ‘08" button on her shirt, again I laughed--just imagine the coincidence.

Then I remembered Obama’s recently stated belief to Joe the Plumber in Ohio that it is good to increase taxes so that the “wealth is spread around”. So when the bill came I decided not to tip the waitress and explained to her that I was exploring the Obama redistribution of wealth concept. She stood there in disbelief while I told her that I was going to redistribute her gratuity to someone who I deemed more in need: the homeless guy outside. The server cursed under her breath and angrily stormed from my sight.

I went outside, gave the homeless guy $10 and told him to thank the waitress inside for her hard work because I had decided he could use the money more than she could. The homeless guy was grateful.

At the end of my rather unscientific experiment I realized the homeless guy was grateful for getting money he did not earn, but the waitress was pretty angry that I gave away the money she did rightfully earned even though the actual recipient needed money more than she did.

Will she work as hard in the future if she knows her earnings are going to be confiscated so the wealth is spread around?

I guess redistribution of wealth is an easier concept to justify in theory (much like Communism) than in practical application in which it never works and creates bitterness.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Are you there?

Dear God...
It's not that I don't enjoy being a mother....but please help me to understand.....please help me to be happy.....I really can't do this on my own...
Each day goes by and is exactly the same as the day before....the only thing that differentiates them....are the proportions.
One day it's the kids screaming that may take a larger piece of the pie....or maybe it's the day when all the milk finds it's way onto the carpet....again. It can be the feeling that every 5 minutes I am wrestling one of my screaming children to the floor to change a diaper or the times that I wonder if there is any bodily fluid that has not landed on my clothing. Is it the day that I find them tearing apart my "important" papers....throwing the clean laundry onto the floor....emptying out their entire closet of toys.....sticking their head in the toilet trying to give their friends a proper send off....eating Kleenex....trying to shoot each other with the letter L....licking the dog....potty training themselves...cleaning the bathroom with their toothbrush....pulling the trash out of the can....eating the dogs food. Or maybe its the day they decide to eat diaper rash cream....(opps...call poison control)....or maybe 2 days later they want to suck on a air freshener wick.....(hello poison control? yeah...its me again) And sometimes, God, it's just a day they can't seem to stop crying.....or maybe that's me.
God, It can be 5 days OR MORE before I even realize that I have not left the house, changed my clothes, showered!! Days fly by.....and so does life....and before you know it...it's been years ....and you know what? I cannot even remember the last time I went out with friends....or my husband. It's that cloud that lingers ....no, not the one brought on by all the diapers in the garbage can....but the symbolic cloud that has taken away....the feeling of purpose.
Please God, help me find that balance that everyone (including myself) talks about. I know exactly what I would say to anyone describing their life (as mine) to me. I even hear those little voices in my head telling me the obvious. GET OUT OF THE HOUSE! DO SOMETHING!! BRUSH YOUR TEETH!! BUT...it's not always easy to do the simple things like go to the gym ....take the kids to the park. I know....I know....there ARE times when that really sounds great and I am absolutely positively all set to go. BUT....then the day comes....and I talk myself out of it. Sometimes it's just easier to stay at home...to not have to explain why you may not be the best of company....rather drab...less then lively...COMATOSE. I just don't think anyone would truly understand. It's not that I am trying to be anti-social...the truth is I am just...well....tired. Tired of being tired.....tired of watching days and sometimes WEEKS pass....before the simplest tasks are accomplished. Tired of hoping I will someday have a clean house, healthy meals, adequate sleep...good hygiene! I am tired of waiting for something to do that will bring me back into the human race again....but most of all....I am tired of feeling guilty....because of these feelings.
Please God, you know me better then I ever will....would you mind taking over for a little while.....I just need some time to understand all this....so if that sounds ok with you....I think I'm just gonna take a step back and let you take the lead...
Thanks for listening....again...

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I'm going GREEN!

Fashionably speaking anyway...
Well people! I am hoping this new face will inspire for more writings....
entertaining writings....
rantful writings....
whatever they may be....

So what do you think of my new look?

Thursday, October 16, 2008

You decide...

An interesting bit of info....taken from a forward I received....

If Barack Obama would apply for a job with the FBI, Secret Service or any Law Enforcement job, he would be disqualified because of his past association with William Ayers, a known terrorist. If he is elected President he would not qualify to be his own body guard!
(And the majority of the people don't seem to care.)

Now isn't this something to think about!